If an unfortunate event has caused you to file insurance claims in Hallandale, FL, it's important that you enlist the services of a public adjuster. Working with a solid, experienced public adjuster like Joel Anidjar and his team at Action Public Adjusters can make all the difference between you getting a maximum payout versus having your claim denied by the insurance company. When you hire a public adjuster, you are hiring your number one advocate to work on your behalf. It's our job to represent you, the policy holder, not the insurance company. We utilize our experience and tools to navigate the maze of mind-boggling policies to get you all the money for which your claim qualifies. Don't allow yourself to be taken advantage of by your insurance company. Work with us to make sure your claim is sound and settled for as much as possible, as quickly as possible. It costs you nothing today to call the Action team. So, call now for more information.
Did you know the period in which insurance claims can be reopened is within three years of reporting a loss? So if you believe you did not receive the maximum settlement amount you deserve, give us a call. WE CAN HELP YOU!
Whether your claims in Hallandale, FL are a little old or brand new, let Action Public Adjusters help you. We have experience helping policy holders with claims for damages of all kinds. Even if your residential, commercial or marine property loss occurred up to 3 years ago, we can and will still help you. We will take a look at any old claims that may have been settled with a payout that felt too small or had no payment issued at all. In cases that have just happened today or very recently, we will personally inspect your property and help you to inspect the extent of your damages. We prepare you with proper documentation to support your claim. No claim is too big, small or unique. We have gotten favorable settlements in the most unlikely of circumstances. We are multilingual, speaking English, Spanish, French and Hebrew. Call us to get started with a free inspection. We don't get paid unless you get paid.
English - Spanish - Hebrew - French
A Public Adjuster will help you maximize your settlement. Below are a few of our past settlements.
Making the proper decisions from the start is crucial for home and business owners to achieve what they deserve. Instead of representing yourself, hiring a public adjuster to fight your insurance company is a good choice.
Why? Because we have years of experience and know all the tactics and loop holes that your insurance company may try to use to their benefit.
You can trust Action Public Adjusters of South Florida to help guide you through the claims process and make sure that your claim is settled the way it should be, to benefit you and NOT your insurance company.
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Claims Hallandale FL