Action Public Adjuster

New Claims, Underpaid Claims or Denied Claims?

FREE Property Inspection
(786) 540-2823

We represent you the policy holder, Not the Insurance Company

ASI Preferred Insurance

Do you need a Public Adjuster?

Filing a claim with ASI Preferred Insurance can be confusing, overwhelming, and is almost always better with professional guidance and support from a team like Action Public Adjusters. Joel Anidjar and his team have settled many successful claims with leading insurance providers for both residential and commercial clients in South Florida. If your property has been damaged by a leaking AC unit, flooding, a mold outbreak, winds and flying debris from a hurricane, lighting, torrential rain, burst pipes, a fallen tree, fire, smoke, theft, or vandalism, call our team right away. We can begin collecting evidence that could be useful in maximizing your claim, expediting your payout.

Did you know the period in which insurance claims can be reopened is within three years of reporting a loss? So if you believe you did not receive the maximum settlement amount you deserve, give us a call. WE CAN HELP YOU!

If your claim with ASI Preferred Insurance is unsuccessful, we won't even charge fees. Action Public Adjusters is known for our dedicated emotional support and award-winning negotiation skills. If you feel intimidated communicating directly with your insurance provider to discuss your property damages, our team will do it for you. Our public adjusters are fast and don't make mistakes when it comes to determining the scope of your damaged property in tandem with the unique details of your policy. Often, clients are pleasantly surprised to discover the true value of their insurance policy when Action Public Adjusters is able to maximize their settlements, fast. We won't even charge you until you receive your settlement, in full. Call today and speak in English, Spanish, French, or Hebrew.

  • We have a great reputation and years of experience
  • We represent you, the policy holder, and not the insurance company
  • We know the Insurance companies tactics and loop holes
  • We maximize your settlement and get what is rightfully yours
Property Insurance Claim underpaid or Denied?
English - Spanish - Hebrew - French

ASI Preferred Insurance

A Public Adjuster will help you maximize your settlement. Below are a few of our past settlements.

  • Fire Damage:
    Settlement $200K

  • Dishwasher Leak:
    Settlement $73158.26

  • Sinkhole Damage:
    Settlement $200K

  • Smoke Damage
    Settlement $52,900

  • Car Crash:
    Settlement $47.500

Our client's interest come first and our team of Public Adjusters have the ability and expertise to handle the most sophisticated property damage insurance claims.

Public Insurance Adjuster Services

Making the proper decisions from the start is crucial for home and business owners to achieve what they deserve. Instead of representing yourself, hiring a public adjuster to fight your insurance company is a good choice.

Why? Because we have years of experience and know all the tactics and loop holes that your insurance company may try to use to their benefit.

You can trust Action Public Adjusters of South Florida to help guide you through the claims process and make sure that your claim is settled the way it should be, to benefit you and NOT your insurance company.